My vision in the next 10 years is to see Persons With Disabilities in Africa have equal opportunities and engagements. I intend to establish
Category: Ethiopia
We must equip our children because think about it, these are our leaders in the next 10-30 years
My advice for young African leaders is for them to know that life is full of opportunities, grab them! Pocket them! For crying out loud, run with them…
Learn to acknowledge that fear is a response to a stimuli that needs your action, not traction. Don’t fall for fear. Learn to use your fear as a lever to push you upward and onward
I have played the role of implanting and restoring peace in the Eastern parts of Ethiopia and beyond. This is by establishing peace clubs in schools, organizing and initiating reconciliation between conflicting parties, and inter religious dialogue…
Everyone was created for a purpose and we must search and accomplish it. When I think Africa, I think of growth, optimism and bright futures.